Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nerd Alert: Tech Support

So, I'm the kind of guy, who always had to play tech support for his family members, friends, friend's of his friends, and their related friends, for as far as I can think back. That's probably because I've always been very interested in technology and computers. Pretty much anything that you can plug into an outlet, or operate on battery power.

As a matter of fact, this has actually become my #1 present rule. If it doesn't need power; I don't want it. If you ignore that rule, all I can give you is the fake "oh wow, how great... underwear...thanks mom..." reply.

What has that got to do with my writing blog you ask? Oh, quite a bit! See, all these tech support phone calls and unexpected PC drop-offs on my doorstep take quite some time away from my writing. It's not that I don't like to help my friends, but they have become so lazy, that whenever anything goes wrong with their fancy Windows machines, I'm the one to fix it. From "I ran this exe file, which I got in an email, and now my hard drive is empty" to "What do you mean I should've saved it?"

I've heard it all!!!

So in a genius move on my side, I switched to Mac's about a year ago. Now, when I get one of them "tech-support phone calls" I reply with my standard, and very well rehearsed answer: "Oh man, I'm using Mac's now, I've got no idea what's wrong with your Windows machine. So sorry..."

And if they still press me for an answer, on how they can fix their pitiful windows discrepancies, I tell 'em: "GET A MAC."

So there it is folks: GET A Mac and save yourself some time.

PS: Of course, now that a lot of my friends are actually listening to me, I've once again become their official tech support. Fortunately, they seem to be running into a lot less problems with OSX than they have with Windows in the past. So everybody is happy...

PPS: Maria, Sanaz, and Dag. This doesn't apply to you guys. I LOVE fixing YOUR computers... Call me anytime at my new number ;-)


michelle said...

exactly how much is jobs paying you? =)
jk, i love that commercial. have you seen this:

Philipp said...

Psshhht.. Michelle... no one is supposed to know that this blog is sponsored by Apple...

Steve said...

Hmmm... you mentioned that a lot of your friends are switching. What do you mean by "a lot"? Isn't it true that I have more switches to my credit than you? Wouldn't that mean that however many I have would qualify as "a lot" and your pitiful number could be called "a few, specifically, less than Stephen's"?

Anonymous said...

All I can say Philipp is that I never asked for your help until I got the mac (which you almost "forced" me to get ;-) ) So you can only blame yourself when I come to you for help now.
And since we're on the subject, I got this problem...
