Friday, March 30, 2007

Curiosity: Location, Location, Location...

Here's one question I've been asked a lot* since I started this blog: "Where do you write? Where does your creativity flow?" Good Question, I say. And since I'm all about public service, let's go take a look at my top four, chic, writing spots.

1. The Oviatt Library

The Oviatt Library is great. It's usually quiet, and peaceful, besides some rude exceptions. (STOP clicking that pen, TALL GUY, 22, with the big round glasses.)

There's always interesting people to observe if you feel bored. I also get free WiFi, can go to the CSUN Gym, and sit there for hours at a time without feeling bad. (More on that below...)

So all in all a pretty good location; wouldn't you say? Yeah... unfortunately it's pretty much closed all next week due to Spring Break...

2. Denny's

Oh yes. Good old Denny's!

"An Ice Tea and a bowl of fruit please....Yes... Uhuu... that would be all..."

What? You think it's weird to write at Denny's?

Let me prove you wrong:
  • Big, huge tables to spread all my research across.
  • Busy enough to feel all cozy, without too much distraction at the same time. Fantastic.
  • Free, unlimited, refills** on my ice tea. (The voluntary refills usually stop after the third round, forcing me to start uncomfortable eye contact with the waiters for more.)
The downside? For some reason, the waiters here seem to "dislike" me. This forces me to write under constant scrutiny and hostile observation.

I can live with that though...

"One more Ice Tea Please..."

3. Subway

This used to be a great spot to write. I can eat my daily subway, get unlimited refills and stick around until my bladder is about to explode.

Subway doesn't provide restrooms and I'd feel really awkward returning to my table after taking a leak at the Carl's Junior across the street.

Also, there is no mean waiters around here, haunting me all day.

Unfortunately, they redesigned my favorite Subway a few weeks ago, and replaced all the comfy table booths with high chairs. There is no way I can write on one of those. I wonder...

4. Carl's Junior

Like Subway, this used to be a particularly good spot to write. Lots of free Ice Tea (a little bitter for my taste) with an accompanying restroom. Luxury pure.

However, a local Homeless seems to favor the exact same table I'm comfortable writing at (I'm very specific), and after getting into two fights with him, I try to avoid this location all together.

So there you have it. My favorite spots to write. Unfortunately, as you can tell, I'm running out of options, so I am in desperate need for alternatives. Where do you guys like to write? Comment away for suggestions!

PS: Yes, I have considered Starbucks, but I don't like writing at places where the "waiter" is called something I can't even spell...

* "A lot" is used loosely in this post. To be refers to one

** Free refill might just be the number ONE reason, why I love this country. Maybe I should make a separate post, outlining my top five reasons to stay in the States? Anyone? Let me know in the comments.


Anonymous said...

Great blog, Philipp!!!!

Hilariously Funny;-)...

Location, location, location.....ehh, didn't you mention four locations???

Suggestions and Ideas:

1) The Oviat Library has potential to become even better - let them know that you'd like to see free refil machines in the restrooms....of course, due to library policy you'd have to drink it in the restroom.....that you would do while peeing - two in one!!

2) I hear you, Starbucks is not a good place - they have even started turning up the volume of the music, which makes for " good Philipp creativity" but not good concentration on reading/writing :-(....

3) If you ever feel like getting out of the Valley I will suggest "The Farmers Market" next to "The Grove" - upstairs there is a lot of space with big, round tables, and you don't have to buy anything!! You can sit there the entire day and are allowed to bring own food and drinks...:-)

4) Maria would suggest Barnes & Noble...

5) My own favorite spot is the.......MTA buss!!!! You can buy a day pass for $3 and go from your place to Long Beach and back and to Long Beach and back and......yep, $3 bucks...
- feel that you own two seats, bring a little pillow to sit on, your ipod earphones well inserted, and write and write on your "mactop";-)....

.....ehh, don't get into more fights with the homeless; some of them have preferred seating here as well!!!

Enough on location, location, location, location, and location from me.....

PS: This suggestion list is booooorrrrring - if you got this far I'd suggest that you get a life...

Philipp said...

Hahaha Steffen, that was FUNNY. Thank you for the suggestions. I think I will go for the bus ride. That sounds like fun...