Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Where have I been?

I realize, that I haven't been posting about my script for, what seem like an eternity. However, I've got two very good reasons for that:

1) I had two weeks of total writer's block (which my teacher used to say is an excuse for laziness...) and was too ashamed to write about not writing.

2) After my Two-Writer-Block-Weeks inspiration returned to me and I've been writing like crazy ever since. So there hasn't been time to block.

And oh look.... already five minutes wasted... gotta go back to the script as long as this excitement lasts.

I'll blog more later.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Curiosity: Is this me?

Markus says this is me:

I beg to differ, but still thought it was funny. :-)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Distraction: I'm Going To Hell

Why are people out to distract me from writing? Do they not want me to finish this screenplay? Is it a conspiracy? What's in it for them?

Just when things were going quite well (I just hit page 100), this girl (picture attached), on a nearby computer in the library, suddenly decides to entertain me to no end, therefore taking attention away from the script.

As often usual, my eyes wander around the room, while I take a brief writing break. And there she is...trying to copy a google image, of some woman, into her word document. Why is this so entertaining to me? Well, the mouse acrobatics she tried, getting the picture from her Internet Explorer Window into her Word Document, were quite hilarious. Only topped by the fact that it simply didn't work.

Then she resorted to double clicking the picture. Actually HAMMERING the poor picture with frustrated double clicks. Click, click, clickidiclicklclick,... zippydi-nothing.

Now it's time to reconsider her strategy. She lays her thinking-finger onto her chin and analyzes the issue at hand...hmmmmm...., then suddenly, it comes to her: A right click. Copy. Paste. YES!!! That worked!! Genius! But wait... the picture is way too small. Ahhhhhh, yes... let's resize it.... drag the left side to make it bigger...hold on... now what? The face is all distorted. What happened? Oh nooooooo...

Time for that thinking-finger once again. Come on.... what to do... what to do.... ahhhhhhh yes... let's try to undo that last action. Press...hmm let's see...yes...delete. OH NO!!! The pictures is gone...

See what I mean? Why would she do this to me? Why would she entertain me like this? She doesn't even know me. All I want is to write my script in peace and quiet. Is that too much to ask for?

Did I just hear someone say "You're going to hell Philipp"?

Page Update: 100

Yes, this is still a blog about me writing a screenplay. And even though I get distracted quite easily I'm happy, that after a few months of hard work, I finally hit page 100! Only 30-50 pages to go until I've got myself a first draft.

So, let's light up a few candles and happy Page 100 to me!!! :-)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nerd Alert: Tech Support

So, I'm the kind of guy, who always had to play tech support for his family members, friends, friend's of his friends, and their related friends, for as far as I can think back. That's probably because I've always been very interested in technology and computers. Pretty much anything that you can plug into an outlet, or operate on battery power.

As a matter of fact, this has actually become my #1 present rule. If it doesn't need power; I don't want it. If you ignore that rule, all I can give you is the fake "oh wow, how great... underwear...thanks mom..." reply.

What has that got to do with my writing blog you ask? Oh, quite a bit! See, all these tech support phone calls and unexpected PC drop-offs on my doorstep take quite some time away from my writing. It's not that I don't like to help my friends, but they have become so lazy, that whenever anything goes wrong with their fancy Windows machines, I'm the one to fix it. From "I ran this exe file, which I got in an email, and now my hard drive is empty" to "What do you mean I should've saved it?"

I've heard it all!!!

So in a genius move on my side, I switched to Mac's about a year ago. Now, when I get one of them "tech-support phone calls" I reply with my standard, and very well rehearsed answer: "Oh man, I'm using Mac's now, I've got no idea what's wrong with your Windows machine. So sorry..."

And if they still press me for an answer, on how they can fix their pitiful windows discrepancies, I tell 'em: "GET A MAC."

So there it is folks: GET A Mac and save yourself some time.

PS: Of course, now that a lot of my friends are actually listening to me, I've once again become their official tech support. Fortunately, they seem to be running into a lot less problems with OSX than they have with Windows in the past. So everybody is happy...

PPS: Maria, Sanaz, and Dag. This doesn't apply to you guys. I LOVE fixing YOUR computers... Call me anytime at my new number ;-)

Friday, March 30, 2007

Curiosity: Location, Location, Location...

Here's one question I've been asked a lot* since I started this blog: "Where do you write? Where does your creativity flow?" Good Question, I say. And since I'm all about public service, let's go take a look at my top four, chic, writing spots.

1. The Oviatt Library

The Oviatt Library is great. It's usually quiet, and peaceful, besides some rude exceptions. (STOP clicking that pen, TALL GUY, 22, with the big round glasses.)

There's always interesting people to observe if you feel bored. I also get free WiFi, can go to the CSUN Gym, and sit there for hours at a time without feeling bad. (More on that below...)

So all in all a pretty good location; wouldn't you say? Yeah... unfortunately it's pretty much closed all next week due to Spring Break...

2. Denny's

Oh yes. Good old Denny's!

"An Ice Tea and a bowl of fruit please....Yes... Uhuu... that would be all..."

What? You think it's weird to write at Denny's?

Let me prove you wrong:
  • Big, huge tables to spread all my research across.
  • Busy enough to feel all cozy, without too much distraction at the same time. Fantastic.
  • Free, unlimited, refills** on my ice tea. (The voluntary refills usually stop after the third round, forcing me to start uncomfortable eye contact with the waiters for more.)
The downside? For some reason, the waiters here seem to "dislike" me. This forces me to write under constant scrutiny and hostile observation.

I can live with that though...

"One more Ice Tea Please..."

3. Subway

This used to be a great spot to write. I can eat my daily subway, get unlimited refills and stick around until my bladder is about to explode.

Subway doesn't provide restrooms and I'd feel really awkward returning to my table after taking a leak at the Carl's Junior across the street.

Also, there is no mean waiters around here, haunting me all day.

Unfortunately, they redesigned my favorite Subway a few weeks ago, and replaced all the comfy table booths with high chairs. There is no way I can write on one of those. I wonder...

4. Carl's Junior

Like Subway, this used to be a particularly good spot to write. Lots of free Ice Tea (a little bitter for my taste) with an accompanying restroom. Luxury pure.

However, a local Homeless seems to favor the exact same table I'm comfortable writing at (I'm very specific), and after getting into two fights with him, I try to avoid this location all together.

So there you have it. My favorite spots to write. Unfortunately, as you can tell, I'm running out of options, so I am in desperate need for alternatives. Where do you guys like to write? Comment away for suggestions!

PS: Yes, I have considered Starbucks, but I don't like writing at places where the "waiter" is called something I can't even spell...

* "A lot" is used loosely in this post. To be refers to one

** Free refill might just be the number ONE reason, why I love this country. Maybe I should make a separate post, outlining my top five reasons to stay in the States? Anyone? Let me know in the comments.

Phone Break: I'm sad.

I feel a little bit pathetic right now, but I'm really sad. I'm writing a sad scene right now, while listening to a very touching soundtrack. (Life is beautiful) Funny how that can affect you so much...

Inspiration: Great Music

So, this really is an amazing Album to write with. I stumbled across it on *cough*myspace*cough* the other day and can't get it out of my head.

The Album is called "Rodrigo y Gabriela and it's truly an utter and complete joy to listen to. The upbeat guitar music really gets your creativity flowing. Mine at least.

Here's the iTunes link if you're interested.

Well, I better head out and start writing....

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Phone Break: Lazy me

This just in live from the treadmill: I'm a lazy bump. Talked on the phone for an hour instead of writing the script. Shame on me...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Visit to the Bauhaus

Research in the library, reading books, hours at a time; it's all good and dandy. However, nothing can compare to the real thing. Therefore, this winter, I decided to grab a few friends (thank you Maria and Tobi) and made a trip to the Bauhaus in Dessau. It has recently been restored to the way it looked in the 20's and early 30's.

To me it was quite special to visit the Bauhaus, since this project has been on my mind for the last two years. Seeing the Bauhaus in person has brought a whole new layer to my writing. I feel much more connected to the students. I can imagine them, roaming through the hallways, painting on their balconies, and laughing in the cafeteria.

This visit has definitely nudged the script in a much better direction.

If you are interested in more pictures, go have a look at the Slideshow or the photo gallery.

PS: I'd like to thank the wonderful team at the Bauhaus, who organized this private tour for us!

Adapting A Short

The idea to make a film about the Bauhaus School of Art & Architecture was introduced to me in 2005 by my good friend and schoolmate Evan Schrodek. We wanted to submit this project as our Thesis film at California State University Northridge. At that time, however, we were barely discussing the idea. It would be crazy to try and pull of a Period Piece on a student budget. Wouldn't it?

Well…,to make a long story short: We are crazy! I wrote the short script, we organized everything from locations, over to a 35mm, state of the art, film camera, to a live orchestra, and premiered the film in May 2006 at the Television Academy of Arts & Sciences in North Hollywood. (Ok, so this REALLY was a long story short...)

I got so hooked on the concept and ideals of the Bauhaus, that I am now taking this to another level of crazy: Trying to make a Feature Film.

Will it work? I don't know! Will I try? Oh, you bet!

For anyone interested, you can take a look at the teaser and trailer for the student produced short film at

Have fun!